Monday, November 16, 2009

Sleep Insomina is here today

Now to most people, the word insomnia sounds like something from the exorcist. Sleep insomina is basically where you cant fall asleep. Well I think i have it. Actually I know i have it. The last time i got a full 8 hours of sleep was.....last may. It weird, i always find reasons to not fall asleep. I would get ready to crash around 1130ish-12ish and i would end up staying up till 3. Not sure why and how.

Is there a cure? well i dont think its a medical issue, its more of a personal issue.

Solution? well i dont know. I wouldnt be writing this if i did.

The twilight craze has gone too far.

This was at 1am


The hills is still on the air."yawn"

I always watched the hills but recently i just realized something. this show is really pointless. Im basically watching a show about some girls and their childish behavour. Like these women are 22-25 and their still having these little highschool fights. Its really corny. The sad part is that i look around at clubs or on the subway and i notice that all these girls are trying to act like their in hollywood. i call them wannabe "california girls".

New Vh1 show: Celebrity Sex Rehab???

Vh1 has always made pointless reality shows and i think they just made another. "Celebrity sex rehab" ....yep u read right. Basically this show is trying to help celebrities rid themselves of their sexual nature. Now im not one to judge but,,, WHAT THE HELL. Isnt sex part of human nature? Isnt it encouraged? wow this is mind boggling. Too much sex is good sex in my personal opinion.

Now im just being ignorant by assuming the nature of this show, but im sure it must have some other underlying reasons as to why sex is bad for these people.

Worth the watch? Im curious to see what the hell this show is really about.

Sunday, November 15, 2009


well this is old news now but i just came across this mug shot of him. pretty funny stuff.

Rio Ferdinand executive producer of new film: Dead Man Running.

Rio makes his debut as a producer on the new Uk film "Dead man Running"
the film itself has mostly Uk known actors but curtis "50 cent" jackson plays a main part in the film.

Not sure what to make of this film yet. i havent seen it so not sure. Ill assume thats its a mix between the transporter and oceans 11.

Sry Chris.

Too many supplements.

No-xplode- Nitric oxide supplement
amino acid-recovery
Creatine- muscle expander but essentially recovery as well

is it just me or do most supplements do the same damn thing. Oh and yes i have tried these and each has their own special little effects.

which is?

its caffeine people. Drop the pills and powders kids and grab large starbucks cup.

Rihanna looking good.

I've always thought rhi rhi was gorgeous,but lately shes stepped her game up. thanks chris.

Speaking from guys perspective....

i like it

Is true love real?

Recently i was on the subway train and came across an ad in the local paper. The ad was one of those match making sites online. Immediately i thought: " is love real?"

To me its crazy, every woman is beautiful in their own right. But that gets in the way of finding someone. Its impossible to find someone whos the hottest. I seem ignorant when i say this but i assure you im not. LOL theres always gona be someone hotter than ur wife or gf.

So what does this mean?

I guess we have to search for that special something. But is that even real? I say this because people get divorced all the time. People cheat on each other, etc, etc. Is true love real. I remember when i was in h.s and i used to always see all these high school couples. In my head i always thought: " look at these kids, acting all adult like, stupid fools." Now why would i say this? well what highschool kid knows what love is. Or rather, which h.s kid knows what the fuck he or she is doing? HIGHSHOOL= fake identity. I can attest to that :P. Dont believe me? Name which highschool couple that lasted. please take your time............i think the odds are like 1 in 1000.

So is true love real?
I think the concept of love is real, but i dont think the emotional bond is real.
Theres more divorced couples than stable couples. I think that says something.

Solution? Stay single. well i doubt i will in the future but right now i think thats the way to go.

Sex: seems easy right? or no?

So i guess im gona get alot of slack for writing this blog but oh well. So recently i been with this girl and everything seemed fine until the end? now ill be honest, i always fear the end because theres always that " i dont know what to do" feeling that comes up. now what do i mean by this? well lets just say, us males dont really know what to do when it comes to finalizing the situation.

so yea, here i am and everything went smooth. this wasnt a stranger so the comfort level was there. There wasnt alchohol so the awareness was there. The unfortuanate situation was: we both didnt get off.

Well i did, but she didnt. Now i like to think of myself as a kind person. Meaning..... i put others needs before myself. thats a true fact and many ppl i know can approve that statement. So yea, we both we lying there in her bead and i was calming down all relaxed and she was well.... still horny. Problem? when i "blow a wop" i really lose my interest in sex. Sounds weird yes i know. So what did i do? Well only thing i could do was go down on her. Now im 20 and this was my first time going down on a female. I watched videos before and got the jist of things so i didnt have a problem. she eventually had a orgrasm and we both went on with our lives.

So i guess my issue would be that both men and women dont reach an orgasm at the same time. Am i right people. Guys are more likely to blow a load first. Alot of factors must be taken in account: age, experience, etc. I guess i cant base sex off that situation, after all, she does masturbade(according to her) everyday so i guess that may play a part in her not being able to reach an orgrasm as soon as me.

At this point in life, sex to me is just a form of communication. And like talking, we have to know the right things to say and do. I guess it takes practice. Going to others for suggestions has never really been my thing, my personal life is my personal life. Hence the word "personal" :).

So yea, after typing this blog i guess i answered my own question.

Whats that?

One simple and common phrase.

"Practice makes perfect"

2012 review. bad? or good?

So I just saw 2012 and didnt know what to expect. Initially i approached this film with the assumption thats its gona be another high budget hollywood flick. To my surpise, this film emodied alot of elements which i assumed would be left out.

Now to those who dont know, the film is centered around the theory that the world will end in 2012. How will this happen? Well im no scientist but i know it deals with basic geology. So in other words, its earth stuff. So yea the film has main character who is played by John Cusack. Now like most apocalyptic movies, this film has 4 separate stories intertwined with each other. So we have the storie of john cusack character, we have a story about the presidents daughter, and vice versa with the presidents chief scientist, etc, etc.

The story itself is really well acted. I say this because this film wasnt one of those predictable type of films. i guess my interest in this film would be around the fact that this type of event could and will actually happen.

but yea, back to the movie. without going into detail ill just basically give you guys a brief idea of what this film is about.

Here we go:

1. scientist guy realizes the eearth may come to an end.
2. tells president but the warning is withheld to the public due to inaccurate readings
3.John cusacks character is divorced.
4.pickes up kids from ex wife.
5.ex wife has a bf.
6. john and kids go camping to yellowstone national park
7. park is sealed off
8. john and kids sneak in
9. govemrent kicks them out
10. prior to being kicked out, john meets the scientist guy and they both become friends
11. john meets a hobo of the park
12. hobo says world will end
13. john obviously doesnt belive
14. he leaves
15. natural diasters happen
16. john is like, "oh shit hes right'
17. gets kids and wife and bf and run off
18. catch up with hobo and find out theirs arks being built
19. rich ppl accesible only lol
20. hobo gets killed.
21. family gets a plane and flys off

now i can go on, but i know u catch my drift. the film has a multiple of other characters and other scenarios.

its a good film given the subject matter. its definitelly better than "the day after tomorrow".

special effects:9/10

enjoy ppl

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

My first Blog will be on......... The New 50 cent album: BEFORE I SELF DESTRUCT.

50 cent is back people. YES THE WAIT IS ALMOST OVER.
I personally remember those words being spoken by everyone when Get rich or die trying was coming out in 2003. The 50 cent brand has definitely changed since his beginnings in the music industry. We see a man who has overcome adversity for the sake of benefitting himself and those around him. His new album is coming out on November 17th and is arguably being called better than get rich or die trying.
Can that happen? Or rather, can that be true?
No albums in this millennium have topped get rich or die trying and I doubt any album will. That of course includes 50 cent himself. Get rich was literally something magical. Here you have a man who embodied all the stereotypical characteristics of a rapper. Du rag, tattoos, etc, etc. But what 50 had this bill gates type of attitude which literally shot down everyone in his path. The debut album sold 7 million records worldwide and 13.5 million to this point. Now for a rapper that’s good. And for a debut album, that’s good. So what attributed to those sales? Most people would say his feuds, some would say the bullet wounds, some would say Eminem, some would say Dr. Dre. What do i say? Well the music dumb ass. Every single song was amazing. In Hiphop, it is rare for you to find an album with a 100 percent approval rating. Dont believe me? Look at the albums today. The carter 3, blueprint 3, nigger, etc, etc. I specifically mention those albums because people consider these albums classic. Well jay z is classic, lil wayne not so much. But back to subject at hand. No album today is selling and no album had prefect music. IN FACT, no hiphop album is done by the rapper himself. It seems like every album is a compilation album among every artist.

So the question remains: will 50’s new album(Before I Self destruct) top get rich. The answer is no. Sales wise no album in hiphop has yet to hit the 6million mark and i doubt it ever will again. Musically i don’t think 50 can recreate a master piece. Its not just topic structures that make up successful songs. It is the emotion and desire of the artist himself. The passion fif had was irreplaceable. He still has that passion but its more tamed. Will it be classic? I think it will hit the classic mark. I say that because its the only album of its kind coming out in a long while. Which other artist has released aggressive music by himself? ....jada?no. fab?no.jay z?hell no. Etc. Etc.

This album will attract peoples attention because its something different. Of course his first song “baby by me” has a pop feel, but thats just to attract attention.

The 50 cent brand is amazing and its scary to think that he has only been doing it for 8 years professionally. Jay z had been doing it for 15 years. Man..... that’s scary. The beef and the feuds is really a benefit for 50 because he shows the stupidity of these rappers. Rick ross: stupid. Game: bi-polar, ja rule:no comment, Fat joe: confused, etc, etc.

Say what you want but 50 cent is one the last real rappers standing. The new generation of the waynes and t.i’s are all r&b rappers. Not dissing them, just saying what i see. Definitely check out Before i self destruct on November 17. It s worthwhile album.