Sunday, November 15, 2009

Is true love real?

Recently i was on the subway train and came across an ad in the local paper. The ad was one of those match making sites online. Immediately i thought: " is love real?"

To me its crazy, every woman is beautiful in their own right. But that gets in the way of finding someone. Its impossible to find someone whos the hottest. I seem ignorant when i say this but i assure you im not. LOL theres always gona be someone hotter than ur wife or gf.

So what does this mean?

I guess we have to search for that special something. But is that even real? I say this because people get divorced all the time. People cheat on each other, etc, etc. Is true love real. I remember when i was in h.s and i used to always see all these high school couples. In my head i always thought: " look at these kids, acting all adult like, stupid fools." Now why would i say this? well what highschool kid knows what love is. Or rather, which h.s kid knows what the fuck he or she is doing? HIGHSHOOL= fake identity. I can attest to that :P. Dont believe me? Name which highschool couple that lasted. please take your time............i think the odds are like 1 in 1000.

So is true love real?
I think the concept of love is real, but i dont think the emotional bond is real.
Theres more divorced couples than stable couples. I think that says something.

Solution? Stay single. well i doubt i will in the future but right now i think thats the way to go.

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